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Improving Mindfulness

Improving Mindfulness

Regular price $59.99 USD
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Improving mindfulness is about understanding oneself and being fully present in the moment. Participants in this workshop will learn to be more aware of their actions and surroundings, enhancing their ability to express and interpret their present environment. By cultivating positive connections and increasing self-regulation of attention and personal experiences, they will experience benefits in both their professional and personal lives.

This workshop will focus on improving mindfulness through practices such as gratitude, filtering, and active listening. Participants will gain the advantage of seeing things in a new light, fostering increased recognition of mental events in the present moment, leading to countless benefits.

Course Outline:

Module One: Getting Started
• Housekeeping Items
• Pre-Assignment Review
• Workshop Objectives
• The Parking Lot
• Action Plan

Module Two: What is Mindfulness?
• Buddhist Concept
• Bare Attention
• Memory
• Psychological Concept
• Case Study
• Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Practicing Mindfulness
• Mindfulness Meditation
• Attention
• Acceptance
• Scanning
• Case Study
• Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Emotional IQ
• Purpose of Emotions
• Performance Emotions
• Swing Emotions
• Blue emotions
• Case Study
• Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Cognitive Distortion I
• Dichotomous Reasoning
• Magnification and Minimization
• Filtering (Including Disqualifying)
• Jumping to Conclusions
• Case Study
• Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Cognitive Distortion II
• Destructive Labelling
• Personalizing
• Blaming
• The Tyranny of the Should
• Case Study
• Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
• Mental Modes
• Doing Mode
• Being Mode
• Metacognitive Awareness
• Case Study
• Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Mindfulness and Gratitude
• What is Gratitude?
• Gratitude Journal
• Gratitude Exercise
• How to Form a Habit
• Case Study
• Module Eight: Review Questions
Atlanta Training Group, LLC | 800-317-3375

Module Nine: Cultivating High Performance Emotions
• Emotion-Cognition-Behavior Triangle
• Cultivating Enthusiasm
• Cultivating Confidence
• Cultivating Tenacity
• Case Study
• Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Mindfulness and Customer Service
• Individually Focused
• Active Listening
• Building a Rapport
• Timing
• Case Study
• Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Mindfulness and Leadership
• Mental Resilience
• Focus
• Compassion
• Creativity
• Case Study
• Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
• Words From The Wise
• Review Of The Parking Lot
• Lessons Learned
• Recommended Reading
• Completion Of Action Plans And Evaluations

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